Ramadan: A Month of Spiritual Reflection, Devotion, and Charity


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Kamis, 30 Maret 2023 - 19:21 WIB

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They spend more time reading the Quran, attending prayer services, and performing acts of charity.

They spend more time reading the Quran, attending prayer services, and performing acts of charity.

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar and is considered the holiest month for Muslims worldwide. During Ramadan, Muslims fast from dawn until sunset, abstaining from food, water, and other physical needs. It is a time of spiritual reflection, increased devotion, and charitable giving.

The purpose of fasting during Ramadan is to attain greater self-discipline, patience, and spirituality. Muslims believe that by abstaining from food and drink, they are able to focus more on their faith and connect with God on a deeper level. It is also believed that fasting during Ramadan helps to purify the soul and forgive sins.

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In addition to fasting, Muslims also engage in extra acts of worship during Ramadan. They spend more time reading the Quran, attending prayer services, and performing acts of charity. This is also a time for Muslims to strengthen relationships with family and friends, as they gather for iftar, the breaking of the fast at sunset.


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Ramadan is also a time for Muslims to reflect on their blessings and be grateful for what they have. It is a time to remember those who are less fortunate and to give to those in need. This is exemplified through the practice of zakat, which is the giving of a percentage of one’s wealth to the poor and needy.

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The end of Ramadan is marked by the celebration of Eid al-Fitr, which is a joyous time for Muslims to come together and celebrate the completion of their fast. This is a time for forgiveness, reconciliation, and unity, as Muslims seek to strengthen their bonds with one another and with God.

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